Wednesday, July 1, 2015

What do I believe the best practice is for online/distance education?

I found this topic to be quite interesting to think about.  As a people person and someone who thrives on interacting with individuals, I chose the aspect of building community in an online class.  The video below shares some of the information that I found on this topic.

Believe it or not... I've attempted to re-record and re-upload this video at least 5 times.  YouTube was not kind to me today.

Cerniglia, E. G. (2011, May). Modeling Best Practice through Online Learning: Building Relationships. YC Young Children, 66(3), 54-56.
Finch, D., & Jacobs, K. (2012, September). Online Education: Best Practices to Promote Learning. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomic Society Annual Meegin, 56(1), 546-550.
Maddix, M. A. (2013). DEVELOPING ONLINE LEARNING COMMUNITIES1. Christian Education Journal, 10(1), 139-148. Retrieved from