Wednesday, May 13, 2015


Hey guys- this is a blog that I created that is dedicated to a class that I am taking concerning online learning.  I was asked to create an introduction video of my self as the a part of the first post to this blog.  Enjoy!


  1. Hello Jason,
    You seem to have a great sense of humor. I'm looking forward to learning alongside you and other classmates.
    As to the true statements and the false, I guess the false statement is that you met Tom Cruise at a gas station since this probability is rather low. I believe the other two statements you made to be true. I could see you buying a larger TV and also realize you may not know what schools are in a particular state. God bless and I pray we all learn great things in this course. Jose Quilit

  2. Hey Jason (comment from Tynisa Haskins),

    Great sense of humor; laughter is good for the soul and the more you do it - the better you enjoy life. Teaching at a Bible college sounds wonderful. You get to talk about God all day and share your faith without the fear of being fired. I believe that your statement regarding your knowledge of colleges in West Virginia is false.

  3. Hi Jason,
    I can see from your personality why you'd go towards youth ministry. As for the lie, I'll have to go with your confusion about West Virginia.

  4. I look forward to working with you on our ISD project for this class. You seem to have a fantastic sense of humor. I commend you and your wife on the 4 kids - I have 1 son, Kolton, who is 4 and he has the energy of 4 kids so God Bless y'all! Seriously though, children are such blessings and I wouldn't trade being a mother for anything in this world. I think your non-truth is that you met Tom Cruise. While this is possible, the probability is low. I actually met Ray Charles once when he was in South Carolina. I was probably 8 years old at the time.

  5. It was nice to meet all of you. Glad you could read my blog and take some guesses. Here are the answers to the trivia:
    1) Unfortunately, I bought a bigger TV than a friend because he made fun of how small mine was.
    2) I was also unaware of West Virginia's educational system... including colleges and universities.
    3) Finally, I have never met Tom Cruise in a gas station, nor anywhere else. I did see him jump on the couch on Oprah though.
